Dit we just announce the birth of the first smart watch that can handle both iOS and Android, we now already have another smartwatch that can do this as well. Actually, that is not true since Kronaby is not just another watch, it is Swedish latest watch brand offering more than one smart watch.

What makes Kronaby different from other smart watches is that they are powered by a regular battery. Depending on use this should give a battery life of about two years. In those two years, you can take full use of all the different functions that the Kronaby has. For starters, you are in control of them and select which ones you actually want to use. This way your watch will only inform you of what really matters. Next to the usual smartwatch functions such as alarm, automatically changing the time zone when traveling and function as a monitor that tracks you physical (and not so physical) activities, there is more. The watch can serve as the remote for your smartphone camera, control your music or send an emergency signal to a friend when you feel unpleasant or in danger, and allow them to track your movements.

When you look at the design of the Kronaby collection, it is surprising that this is their very first watch. It is even more surprising when you realize that Kronaby as a brand just recently evolved as part of Anima, a Swedish company that designs smart, connected products with a human focus. That is also evident in the watches, because although they have many clever features, they are not constantly in your face, overloading you with data. They are there when you need them, but otherwise, you are just wearing a good looking watch.

Divided over four collections, that range from definitively sportive to understated elegance. Many people would be hard-pressed not to find a Kronaby that they actually like. This perhaps also sums up the strength of the brand: they offer style, variety, the functionality of a smart watch, the battery life of a quartz watch and the look and feel of a mechanical watch. A hard to beat propesition, especially since they start at 345 euro’s, with the most expensive one being 595 euro.
More information can be found on the Kronaby website