Watchisthis?! Magazine’s Spring Issue out now!
Nothing is more satisfying for us at Watchisthis?! as to get another issue of our magazine out! We always work hard on getting the best possible content and in our modest opinion....we think we succeed to that once again with out Spring issue! One of the great things of making Watchisthis?! Magazine is that you sit down and talk with the most passionate and amazing people. Some head legendary names like Alain Zimmermann of Baume et Mercier, with which we discussed his brands ladies watches (also check out the article on the Petit Promesse!), or Stephan Obst of Vintage VDB who sold all he had to start making watches in a basement. Or Jorg Schauer , who ensured the perpetuating success of Stowa, while people like Janus Aarup from VEJRHØJ…