Introducing the Tate Wade Bokeh watch

Introducing the Tate Wade Bokeh watch

On Kickstarter we find to often classical and simple watches with nothing exciting and sometimes you fall in front of something really appealing. Wade Park and Stephan Roesli are the two entrepreneurs behind the Tate Wade brand. They came up with the concept of a watch back in 2015 and on May 2nd, 2017 they finally launched their Kickstarter campaign – Which is already a success as it’s almost funded. Honestly it’s not a surprise when you look at this piece called BOKEH. Why this name? The timepiece is named after the visual effect in the field of photography which evokes a mystic feeling. Bokeh, also known as “Boke” is one of the most popular subjects in photography. The reason why it is so popular is because Bokeh makes photographs visually appealing,…
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